17 июн раиси Вилояти Мухтори Кухистони Бадахшон мӯҳтарам Ёдгор Файзов раиси шаҳри Хоруғ Кишвар Шамирӣ бо гурӯҳи кории Вазорати нақлиёти Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон аз макони сохтмони пули ” Селхозтехника” дидан намуданд.
Зимни боздид намояндаи корхонаи воҳиди давлатии Пажуҳишгоҳи лоиҳакашии иншооти нақлиёти кишвар , кормандону мутахассисони соҳаи нақлиёти ВМКБ ва ҷумҳурӣ, асосан масъалаи сохтмони пули мошингузар аз болои дарёи Ғунд дар маҳаллаи Селхозтехникаро мавриди баррасӣ қарор доданд. Қайд карда шуд, ки пули мазкур бо дарозии умуми 200 метр, дарозии асосии пул 100 метр ва 100 метри дигар эстакадаро ташкил медиҳад. Паҳнои умумии пул 10 метр ташкил дода аз он ҷумла ду хати ҳаракати роҳ 3.5 метр ва роҳравҳо бо паҳнои 1.5 метр то 2.25 сохта хоҳад шуд. Дар ҷойҳои имконпазир ҷой барои кабудизоркунӣ низ бо паҳнои 1.5 метр ба инобат гирифта мешавад. Сохтмони пулро Ширкати давлати Туркия ба ӯҳда дорад.
Зикр шуд, ки бо дастгирии Ҳукумати Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон ба хусус Асосгузори сулҳу ваҳдати миллӣ Пешвои миллат муҳтарам Эмомалӣ Раҳмон ва шарикони рушд, аз ҷумла Бонки умумиҷаҳонӣ соли 2021 сохмони ин пули мошингузар оғоз мегардад ва барои ин муҳим аст, ки масоили кучонда бурдани хонаҳо, лоиҳасозиву дигар корҳои марбут ба сохтмон омӯхта шаванд ва баъдан ба қисми сохтмонӣ бояд гузашт.


The Governor of the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region, Mr. Yodgor Fayzov, received the Chief Executive Director of the Aga Khan Health Service in the Republic of Tajikistan Dr. Muhabbat Bahromov and the Aga Khan Health Service representative in GBAO Mr. Umed Nazrishoev. During the meeting the Governor expressed his appreciation to Aga Khan Health Service for its humanitarian assistance and pointed that access to medicines was a key issue during the outbreak and that the Aga Khan Health Service’s contribution to this cause was highly appreciated. With the support of Founder of Peace and National unity – Leader of the nation, President of Tajikistan his excellency Emomali Rahmon in this difficult period medical support has been directed to the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region. At the same time there has been continued support from development partners.
Dr. Muhabbat Bahromov the Chief Executive Director of the Aga Khan Health Service in the Republic of Tajikistan, mentioned that in this volatile situation the team is working in four areas and the joint activities with the civil society and conducting preventive work among the public is one of the most important areas which enabled to strength the awareness on sanitation and hygiene pieces within the community. The Aga Khan Health Service also provided PPE and medicines for the need of regional hospital.
The Governor of the region stressed that the concern with enhancing the regional hospital and making availably the special equipment for the diagnosis of Covid- 19 and oxygen generator is one of the main issues. Aga Khan Health Service representative pointed that they are closely working closely with the Government in this area and are ready to provide humanitarian assistance in this regard. It is also part of the plan to establish a mobile medical hospital with good conditions in Khorog. The Governor of the Region stated that coronavirus is an infectious disease and we have to build an infectious disease hospital in the region as soon as possible. It was also noted that in order to diagnose this disease, it is necessary to have qualified specialists and with the support of the Aga Khan Health Service, professional doctors can be trained.
Representatives of the Aga Khan Health Service expressed gratitude for the bilateral cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan and development partners, mentioning that they will initiate the implementation of additional proposed plans in close cooperation with the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast in order to fight the COVID- 19.