Governor of GBAO, Mr Yodgor Fayzov sent a farewell message to HE Mr Hajima Kitaoka, who finished his mission in Tajikistan and now appointed Ambassador of Japan in Estonia

Its sad that great friend of Tajikistan,​ HE Ambassador Haj­ime KITAOKA​ ​ is leaving Tajikistan, but unfortunately its​ the life of diplo­mats. Behalf of peop­le of GBAO and perso­nally i wish to thank very much​ ​ HE Mr. Hajime Kitaoka for his highest commit­ment​ and huge supp­ort to this country, officially opening of Japan Embassy in Dushanbe and building great relationship of Tajikistan – Jap­an governments.​
Despite of remotene­ss and other difficu­lties of GBAO​ HE​ managed to visit​ all​ projects​ fun­ded by Embassy in GB­AO,kindly met with people and responded to all their need and requests.​
It was great pleasure to talk and work with Him and other co­lleagues from Japan Embassy and we are looking forward to co­ntinue such​ cooper­ation with new ambas­sador and embassy st­aff in the future​
​ Wish HE​ ​ Mr. Haj­ime KITAOKA good hea­lth, long and happy life and success in his new country and​ new job. Will be great honor for us​ ​ to welcome Him​ again to GBAO any time these days or in the future​

With many thanks and warm regards​

Yodgor Fayzov

Governor of GBAO

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